Our Mission: The mission the JR Trippe Middle School Counseling Department is to support students' social, emotional, and mental health so that all students reach their potential for academic, social, physical, and emotional growth. This will be done by providing a comprehensive school counseling program that is student centered, prevention focused, and driven by data. We will address student needs through academic, personal/social, and career counseling.
Our Vision: The vision of the JR Trippe Middle School Counseling Program is all students will achieve academic success and be prepared to pursue post-secondary education with confidence. Our students will be college and career ready members of society supported by a growth mindset in order to become productive leaders in a global society,
What does a School Counselor do? School Counselors identify student and school needs by analyzing data to design and deliver a Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) that improve student outcomes (e.g. achievement, student, discipline,etc).
We are certified/licensed educators with professional ethical guidelines and Master's level training that uniquely equip us to address all students' academic, career, and social/emotional development needs through the CSCP.
We partner with students, parents/guardians, teachers and staff, administrators, and other key stakeholders to maximize student success!
Responsive services | Addressing immediate needs of students in distress
Referrals | Resources in local community to support intensive needs of students
Why would you need to speak with a School Counselor? School counselors can be contacted for a variety of reasons related to student development, including:
Family Transitions (e.g. Divorce, Death, Incarcerated, etc.)
Behavioral Concerns
Emotional Concerns
Home Stressors
Peer Relations
Bullying reports
Suicide Prevention/Interventions
We serve the whole child so please do not hesitate to contact your school counselors.
How does a student see the School Counselor? Instructional time is extremely important for student success; thus, a referral system is in place to protect it as well as ensure that counselors have adequate time to address the needs of students. Go to Referrals to submit referral online:
Self-referral by the student
Peer Referral
Teacher Referral
Parent Referral
Administrative Referral
Counselor Observation
Confidentiality Confidentiality helps to ensure trust in the counseling relationship. School counselors are ethically and legally expected to protect student confidentiality unless information is deemed to be of serious or foreseeable harm to the student or someone else. Thus, to ensure student safety and well-being, confidentiality does not apply for the following:
Student is and/or suspected of harming themselves.
Student is and/or suspected of being harmed or in danger by someone else.
Student is and/or suspected of harming someone else.